Innocities conference: Budapest is performing better and better in the international race of metropolitan cities

In the constantly increasing global competition only those metropolitan cities are able to achieve a leading position, which plan for long-term, look at their resources from a new perspective and manage them dynamically, creatively, innovatively and effectively, said Miklós Csomós, Deputy Mayor for Culture at the opening of the Innocities International Conference in the Graphisoft Park.

Between 2014 and 2020, in the new EU programming period, creative industry, research and development, and innovation will be in emphasized focus, therefore it is important for us to jointly seize this opportunity here, in Central Europe, said Miklós Csomós. He added that the regional cooperation of the Visegrád Group has reached significant successes during the past few years. The initial conflicts of interest and mistrust coming from historical grievances were relieved by joint actions taken on the European level. By this time we have learnt to manage our disputes properly, and although these four countries are in many ways in competition with each other, they are able to put the region’s interests forward and make joint steps, added the Deputy Mayor.

The Innocities program, which has started with a conference, is a long-term cooperation program for capital cities of Central Europe, as well as cities in the Danube Region, and aims at developing favourable conditions for the creative industry and a more liveable city. Experts searched for answers to questions, like what is the role of creative industry in Central Europe, how does an enterprise become innovative, how can the state and the city support creative economy and thus innovation.​