Budapest Academy of City Diplomacy

The Academy of City Diplomacy launching this year is a training program aimed at introducing university students, as well as recent graduates into the life of international and city diplomacy. The mission of the academy is to train an elite, value-driven young foreign policy, and grant them a knowledge base who can help them to constructively participate in contemporary debates, as well as enabling them to see our surrounding events through big picture-thinking.

The program combines theoretical perspectives with practical knowledge within the framework of an eight-month project, and explores global, social, economic, political, and historical issues, with a particular focus on city diplomacy. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn about the diplomatic activity between cities over the past decade and their role in tackling global problems.

The project will start in October 2020 and run until May 2021. The program consists of two Saturdays per month. The language of the lectureship will be Hungarian and English. The number of participants is 20, of whom the two best students will receive a one-year internship opportunity at the City Diplomacy Unit. The location of the courses will be in the Municipality of Budapest and other institutions of Budapest. Former diplomats, researches, and experts will support the program as lecturers.